We all want to look our best. That’s why we watch what we eat, put in the effort to implement exercise into our daily routine and use skincare products.
Rarely does a woman go through life without worrying about stubborn cellulite that seems impossible to get rid of. This is because a woman’s body naturally stores around 10% more body fat than a man’s, regulated by specific hormones that prime women for childbearing.
Additionally, the many changes the body goes through in life often leave stretch marks on several areas.
That said, men are not immune to cellulite, making the skin appear lumpy and dimpled, nor to stubborn stretch marks.
Still, many of us have trouble getting rid of stubborn fat and cellulite and the everlasting appearance of stretch marks. And most of us don’t want to experience the risk factors that might happen with laser treatment.
When it comes to the appearance of our skin, it is of utmost importance to maintain the skin externally. But remember that what we put inside our body also affects our skin’s appearance and health.
Luckily, nature has blessed us with magnificent coconut oil that will do wonders for our skin through ingestion and provide double the effects when used as a topical. People have used coconut oil for stretch marks and cellulite for centuries, with exceptional and proven results. Coconut oil often sounds too good, but it is the most effective treatment for cellulite and scratch marks.
What is Cellulite?
Cellulite refers to uneven skin areas that appear as tiny furrows on the skin surface — extra fat trapped between the skin’s connective tissue. Genetics is the main factor that predetermines if someone will get cellulite and in what measure.
Genetics predetermines the level of fat that the body will store and the thickness of the skin. When someone has naturally thinner skin, the fat cells underneath the skin surface quickly push and mold the skin. That’s where cellulite appears.
Additionally contributing to cellulite development is a high-calorie and high-fat diet, a sedentary lifestyle, absence of physical exercise, and dehydration.
…And What Are Stretch Marks?
Stretch marks, also referred to as Striae, or Striae gravidarum, are cracks in the skin layer that form scars in an off-color hue. Stretch marks are caused by tearing the skin’s surface layer during periods in which the body rapidly grows, and the skin doesn’t have enough time to catch up. The dermis tears and leaves scars, for example, in rapid growth during puberty, pregnancy, or rapid fat gain.
Striae most commonly appear on the breasts, thighs, stomach, hips, and buttocks in women and mainly in the abdomen area in men. Over time, stretch marks can be diminished. But in most cases, they will not disappear entirely unless treated with the proper skincare.
Practicing a proper skincare regimen is the ideal approach to dealing with this spread skin problem. That includes natural, virgin, and raw coconut oil.
Using Coconut Oil for Cellulite and Stretch Marks
Coconut oil is highly praised for its incomparable moisturizing, nurturing, and revitalizing benefits when used as a topical. Additionally, coconut oil consists of medium-chain fatty acids (MCTs) that are very powerful in boosting the metabolism and stimulating the burning of stored fat when ingested.
Altogether, coconut oil is the perfect ingredient to add to your lifestyle. It’s a healthy, nutritious addition to an anti-cellulite diet. As part of a skincare routine, it’s perfect for diminishing stretch marks and eliminating cellulite.
Few of the many cellulite skin care remedies available these days are comparable to unprocessed, unrefined virgin coconut oil and can be used internally and externally to enhance effects.
Coconut Oil Consumption
What we put into our bodies significantly affects our health and predetermines our appearance. Cellulite is not exclusively related to obesity but can also occur in individuals of all sizes. What predetermines the occurrence of cellulite is diet. Immoderate intake of foods high in saturated fats leads to excessive stored fat that appears as cellulite on the outside.
Adding coconut oil to your regular diet can contribute to the reduction of cellulite in several ways. First, the medium-chain fatty acids in raw, natural coconut oil provide long-lasting, sustainable energy that boosts stamina and metabolism. This double effect increases the body’s physiological activity, reducing the stored fat and cellulite. The body does not store medium-chain triglycerides. Instead, it slowly releases them as energy for the body throughout the day.
Coconut oil can be easily added to any diet. Replace any oil you use with coconut oil and use it for cooking, or add it on in its traditional form. Another widely used method that promises to deliver the best of the oil’s benefits is adding a teaspoon of raw coconut oil to your food or beverage. This can be in your coffee, smoothie, or any other beverage or food you consume in the morning.
The effects include increased energy levels throughout the day and decreased fat storage. This will consequently lead to cellulite elimination.
Anti-Cellulite & Stretch Marks Coconut Oil Skincare Routine
Due to its small molecular structure, coconut oil can easily and quickly be absorbed into the skin, penetrating deep into the connective tissue. This way, the coconut oil breaks down the fatty deposits in the cells, directly targeting the cause of the cellulite.
It also deeply moisturizes the skin. This is another advantage in decreasing cellulite. However, the absence of sufficient moisture and dry skin contributes to amplifying the lumpy appearance.
Applying raw coconut oil with a massage on the cellulite-affected area will help decrease cellulite and prevent the forming of new cellulite. In addition, coconut oil’s hydration and nourishment enhance skin elasticity, treat many skin problems, and promote healing, reducing the risk of developing stretch marks.
Using coconut oil in a skincare routine as topical oil will reduce the chances of developing stretch marks in critical periods of rapid growth, like pregnancy. When used as a topical skin daily, coconut oil not only reduces cellulite and stretch marks but also contributes to healthy, youthful, and good-looking skin.
DIY Scrub: Coffee and Coconut Oil for Cellulite
Exfoliation is famous as one of the most effective methods for cellulite treatment. Exfoliating the skin helps to remove dead skin layers and break up the toxins and fat deposits under the skin, thus effectively decreasing cellulite.
Therefore, besides using coconut oil in your diet and as it is in your skincare routine, you can make your own coconut oil and coffee scrub to boost the effects.
- ¼ cup organic coffee grounds
- Three tablespoons sugar
- 2 to 3 tablespoons of melted Kapuluan Raw Coconut Oil
- 1. Mix all the above ingredients in a small bowl.
- 2. Store in a glass jar.
- 3. Warm up the mixture before using (if it is stored at room temperature and is in solid form).
- 4. Take a small amount in your hands, and with firm pressure, scrub it on the affected skin area.
- 5. Massage for 10 minutes, then rinse the area if needed.
Use the scrub for exfoliation 3-4 times a week. The results should be visible after the second week of regular scrub usage and applying the coconut oil as a topical afterward.
Coconut Oil and Essential Oils
Some popular and widely used essential oils can contribute to the reduction of cellulite and nourishment of the skin, similar to coconut oil. Recent studies have confirmed that citrus fruit essential oils can contribute to the cleansing of the skin and even skin tone. Therefore, essential oils derived from tangerine, lemon, orange, and grapefruit mixed with coconut oil can effectively treat stretch marks.
Other beneficial essential oils for a cellulite treatment that can be combined with coconut oil to boost its effects are:
- Lavender oil
- Juniper oil
- Rosemary oil
- Molivera oil
Add several drops of your preferred essential oil into a jar of coconut oil. Massage the mixture on the affected areas daily using gentle pressure. This hydrating and fragrant dynamic duo will help you get rid of cellulite naturally by dissolving the excess fat stored under the layers of your skin.
By deeply hydrating and rejuvenating the skin, combining essential oils and coconut oil for stretch marks will diminish scars and prevent the skin from cracking.
Dry Brushing with Coconut Oil
Dry brushing has become a popular method for reducing cellulite in recent years. Practitioners claim that it works exceptionally well in reducing cellulite and enhancing the appearance of the skin by making it firmer. This method requires natural, raw coconut oil and a dry brush. Brushes made with natural fibers will usually perform better.
Before bathing, slather coconut oil on the affected area or the whole skin surface, whichever is preferred. Start brushing areas where the oil is applied slowly from bottom to top (the brushing direction should always be towards the heart). Scrub gently to avoid redness and damage to the skin surface.
This method helps to open the skin pores and eliminates toxins and fats accumulated in the cells. Dry brushing also helps to get rid of dry skin, ensures tighter skin, and improves proper blood flow. In addition, through gentle brushing, you help the coconut oil penetrate the skin tissue and effectively reduce cellulite.
For best results, practice this technique every day before taking a shower. This way, you can quickly eliminate the excess oil after your massage. Then, after showering, apply coconut oil as a body lotion to enhance the effects.