Kapuluan Mamas /// Joy Green

We recently had a chance to work with Joy Green of Joyfully Green and it was wonderful to learn about how she cares for herself and her young daughter Kai with Kapuluan Coconut Oil.
Restoring The Status of Coconut Oil

Although the efforts to bring knowledge of the benefits of coconut oil have only begun, awareness of coconut as a food and nutritional source is on the rise and advocates of VCO are gaining strength.
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Coconut Oil

Let us get this out of the way first. There are things you probably didn’t know about coconut oil. Not all coconut oil is the same. Not even close.
Tropical Tumbleweed – A Travel Inspired Playlist from DJ Jasmine Solano

I’m beyond excited to partner with Kapuluan Coconut as this month’s Music Contributor! And what perfect timing as my b-day is around the corner (Jan. 25th, Aquarians unite!) This special playlist I made for Kapuluan is influenced by all my travels. Not only do I listen to music that’s inspiring, but also relaxing.
Coconut Crazy: Does It Matter What Type of Coconut Oil To Use?

With all the hype in the coconut market, there is an element to the madness that is often forgotten. Actually, forgotten is the wrong term – no one has a clue about it. There are a growing number of brands using coconut oil in their products, and even they don’t know what is going on.
7 Essentials of Good Quality Coconut Oil

Just a few years ago, finding coconut oil just involved going to a health food or an organic grocery store. But with its explosion in popularity, you can now find it in every supermarket and all over the internet, and that’s because coconut oil and health benefits are known to everyone.
3 Questions to Ask Before Buying Coconut Products

Who did the picking? Who does this product empower? Who are you buying from? Those are three questions to ask before buying coconut products.
Most Popular Kapuluan Coconut Pinterest Pins

What are the most popular Kapuluan Coconut pins on Pinterest? Explore the trending and inspiring coconut-related content.
Kapuluan Coconut Oil: Available in Tubes and Jars

Kapuluan Coconut makes the Finest Quality Raw Coconut Oil. Pure and Unprocessed for Beauty and Personal Care, our coconut oil is in it’s natural state, containing all the essential nutrients; we haven’t added anything or taken anything away.