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Coconut Oil Beauty: 11 Surprising Tips

We recently surveyed a few of our favorite natural beauty websites and chose some of the more unknown tips to share with you here.  Some might sound incredible, but give them a whirl and see if they become your new favorite self-care secret.

5 Beauty Uses For Coconut Oil During Pregnancy

There are so many different ways you can use coconut oil on a daily basis but it can be especially beneficial during pregnancy. Your body goes through so many changes while pregnant and on top of that your hormones go crazy while growing a baby. Coconut oil during pregnancy can be a lifesaver in so many different ways.

7 Essentials of Good Quality Coconut Oil

Just a few years ago, finding coconut oil just involved going to a health food or an organic grocery store.  But with its explosion in popularity, you can now find it in every supermarket and all over the internet, and that’s because coconut oil and health benefits are known to everyone.

Giving December // Children of The Philippines

The Lingap Center provides hope for children aged 4-17 who have suffered from child abuse, abandonment, neglect, and exploitation. 100% of all donations go directly to the children because the Lingap Board of Directors pay all administrative and overhead expenses! Incredible!

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