Why You Should Use an All-Natural Coconut Oil Deodorant and How to Make One at Home

No matter how much you try to live chemical-free by avoiding artificial beauty and cosmetic products, some products are required to keep you fresh and hygienic in your daily life. While it is easy to opt for natural cosmetic products, many are still unaware of the option to choose all-natural deodorant and to make your own.
Everything You Need to Know About Cooking With Coconut Oil + Recipes

High temperatures that are used in the process of cooking heat the oil to a certain point. If that point is higher than the smoking point of the particular oil, it starts generating toxic fumes and free radicals, which are extremely harmful for the body.
Coconut Oil Toothpaste: 6 Reasons To Switch

Coconut oil is one of those foods that seems to have endless uses. One use you may be unaware of is that it’s a fantastic base for coconut oil toothpaste. Often, conventional toothpaste can be full of harmful chemicals and agents and natural toothpastes can be pricey. So, why not switch to coconut oil?
Coconut Oil Hair Hacks

The pursuit of a good hair day is serious business: in the U.S. alone, a woman will spend $55,000 in her lifetime and endless hours to achieve the perfect look. Ready for a hair-raising revelation? You can put down multitudes of products and effort-filled, expensive routines and step up your hair game with one simple substance: raw, organic coconut oil.
Coconut Oil Deodorant: The Natural Way to Stay Fresh and Smell Great

Have you ever tried making a DIY coconut oil deodorant? It’s just another way to incorporate it into your health and beauty routine.
Coconut Oil Body Butter: Make Your Own Awesome Blend

A DIY coconut oil body butter is one of the simplest and economical beauty products you can make at home. Body butter is going to be deeply moisturizing and help much more than your regular lotion.
Best DIY Surf Spray for Beachy Hair

Want to get that messy yet perfect looking hair, like you just had a great surf in Bali and spent the afternoon laying under a palm tree sipping on a fresh coconut?
DIY Coconut Oil Lip Balm: Why It’s Better Than Store-Bought

Coconut oil DIY lip balm is some of the best you can use for your personal care. Even though you can apply coconut oil directly on your lips for instant hydration, a lip balm is certainly one of the easiest beauty creations you can do at home.
Why Homemade Coconut Oil Scrub is Best for Your Skin

You simply can’t beat a DIY coconut oil scrub. Check out this post to learn how to use Kapuluan Coconut to make homemade coconut oil scrubs!