15 Minute Coconut Oil Hair Mask

One of the major components of coconut oil, lauric acid, is a fatty acid that binds hair proteins thus helping protect roots and preventing hair breakage. There are multiple ways in which your hair can really benefit from a coconut oil hair mask treatment.
35 Best Coconut Oil Uses

For years, coconut oil has had a bad name, lumped in with unhealthy saturated fats. People steered away from it and other high-fat foods. The problem with throwing coconut oil in the same category as butter, margarine, and shortening is this oil is far healthier than it appears.
Kapuluan Coconut Oil For Hair

If you could find a product that has shown to grow hair, strengthen existing hair, protect your scalp, all while conditioning and softening your hair. There are multiple ways in which your hair can really benefit from coconut oil.
Beauty Uses for Coconut Oil: A Match Made By Tropical Island Gods

Coconut oil is not just good for your diet. The best beauty uses for coconut oil happen to be one of the world’s best beauty treatments.
Amore & Vita’s 10 Coconut Oil Uses

Our friends Shay Mitchell of Pretty Little Liars and Michaela Blaney did a feature of Kapuluan on their Lifestyle Blog Amore and Vita about their top 10 coconut oil uses.
10 Things You Should Be Doing With Coconut Oil This Weekend

If you use coconut products but have no idea where they come from, you need to watch our documentary which follows a group of Filipino coconut farmers as they struggle to survive a way of life exoloited by industrial agriculture and crippled by disasters like Typhoon Haiyan.
Coconut Oil Hair Mask

Whatever hair type, male or female, we all want good hair that’s soft, shiny, and easy to manage.