Coconut Oil For Babies – Uses and Benefits

Many people don’t think about using coconut oil for babies. But when it comes to children’s health, good ingredients are a must.
Handmade Coconut Oil Gifts Perfect For Those On Your Christmas List

It is the wonderful holiday season and many people are still looking for that awesome handmade gift idea. Perhaps you are looking for a great gift for your family, close friends, teachers or coworkers.
DIY Coconut Oil Deodorant

It’s not something women like to talk about often, but deodorant is an important part of our daily routine. Many women struggle with finding the right product for them and after experimenting with all natural products are still left wondering if they’ll ever find a solution to body odor. Why not try a DIY coconut oil deodorant?
DIY Coconut Oil Body Butter

Looking for the perfect recipe for a DIY coconut oil body butter? At Kapuluan Coconut, we’ve picked our favorite recipe to share with you.
Quick & Easy DIY Coconut Oil Lip Stain

Here is a really quick and easy Easy DIY Coconut Oil Lip Stain with Beetroot.
Coconut Oil for Acne: Everything You Need to Know to Treat It Right

You once heard that coconut oil can be an effective weapon against fighting acne. But you still must really be wondering “Can I put coconut oil on my face? Doesn’t it seem weird to use it, especially when my skin is oily and breaks out all the time?”
Decoding The Coconut: What To Look for on Your Coconut Oil Label

We all know coconut oil can do basically anything. It’s the natural miracle cure to pretty much all of your problems: in the bathroom (dry hair to overactive skin to teeth whitening), the kitchen (sautéing to smoothies), the closet (stain remover), and even the bedroom.
35 Best Coconut Oil Uses

For years, coconut oil has had a bad name, lumped in with unhealthy saturated fats. People steered away from it and other high-fat foods. The problem with throwing coconut oil in the same category as butter, margarine, and shortening is this oil is far healthier than it appears.
Beauty Uses for Coconut Oil: A Match Made By Tropical Island Gods

Coconut oil is not just good for your diet. The best beauty uses for coconut oil happen to be one of the world’s best beauty treatments.