Coconut Oil for Acne: Everything You Need to Know to Treat It Right

You once heard that coconut oil can be an effective weapon against fighting acne. But you still must really be wondering “Can I put coconut oil on my face? Doesn’t it seem weird to use it, especially when my skin is oily and breaks out all the time?”
Decoding The Coconut: What To Look for on Your Coconut Oil Label

We all know coconut oil can do basically anything. It’s the natural miracle cure to pretty much all of your problems: in the bathroom (dry hair to overactive skin to teeth whitening), the kitchen (sautéing to smoothies), the closet (stain remover), and even the bedroom.
Why It Matters What Type of Coconut Oil You Use on Your Skin

Coconut oil has been rightly touted as the swiss army knife of health and personal care – it is good for almost everything! However, if you are not using a high-quality Raw Organic Coconut Oil, which contains all of the essential nutrients, you might as well not use it at all.
Vitamin D and Sunscreens: Benefits and Side Effects

What most overlook is that, as humans, we need the sun. It keeps us alive, and healthy. Vitamin D is crucial to human health; helping to regulate the immune system and the neuromuscular system, while also playing a major role in the life cycle of human cells.
Kapuluan Coconut Oil: Available in Tubes and Jars

Kapuluan Coconut makes the Finest Quality Raw Coconut Oil. Pure and Unprocessed for Beauty and Personal Care, our coconut oil is in it’s natural state, containing all the essential nutrients; we haven’t added anything or taken anything away.
Beauty Uses for Coconut Oil: A Match Made By Tropical Island Gods

Coconut oil is not just good for your diet. The best beauty uses for coconut oil happen to be one of the world’s best beauty treatments.
Jillian Harris’ Cruelty-Free Beauty Products!

Recently we were honored to be featured by former Bachelorette and Star of Love it or List it, Jillian Harris’ Cruelty-Free Beauty Products. Here’s what the beautiful, expecting mother had to say.