Last Updated on October 20, 2024 by adeela

1. Get Naked
Coconut Oil is the perfect massage oil. All natural and smells amazing. What were you thinking?
2. Oil Pulling
Weekend mornings are the best. Waking up and not having to get out of bed. Lazy coffees. And pulling oil for 15 minutes… uninterrupted by pesky early morning business calls.
3. Hair Treatment
It’s hard to do an overnight hair treatment when you fall asleep on the couch watching Netflix every weeknight. On the weekend? Have a glass of red wine while pampering yourself with a bubble bath. Fall asleep with your hair covered in coconut oil and wrapped in a warm towel. Wake up hungry.
4. Suncare
Suns out, buns out. Just don’t forget to oil up. Coconut oil works well when you have a base tan or don’t burn quickly. Natural SPF blocks out harmful rays while allowing all the good stuff to get you that glow.
5. Watch Kinabuhi
Suppose you use coconut products but have no idea where they come from. In that case, you need to watch our documentary, which follows a group of Filipino coconut farmers struggling to survive a way of life exploited by industrial agriculture and crippled by disasters like Typhoon Haiyan.
6. Make a Coffee Scrub
DIY weekends are the best. Put on some good music, dance around the kitchen, and make yourself some simple exfoliating coffee scrub.
7. Throw away all your crap
Coconut oil can replace so many different things. Products that often contain chemicals and unnecessary crap you don’t need on your body. Get minimalist.
8. Watch Kinabuhi Again
9. Remove your makeup
Coconut oil is an excellent all-natural makeup remover. This one might surprise you.
10. There are unlimited things you can do with coconut oil. Do whatever you want. It’s the weekend!