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Kapuluan is committed to promoting sustainability and improving livelihoods. Our scholarship program supports this mission by providing opportunities for individuals encountering significant obstacles to pursue higher education. We aim to offer financial support to students who exhibit academic excellence and an interest in environmental sustainability.
A smiling young woman holding a sign promoting an eco-friendly initiative, "one item one tree," pledging to plant a coconut tree for every product sold.






November 30, 2024

Eligibility Requirements

The scholarship is open to graduating high school seniors, college students, or graduate student members of a minority group that is underrepresented (i.e., African-American, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander) OR have a documented disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act.


In a 1000 word essay, explain what eco-friendly sustainability means to you. How would you describe sustainability when it comes to your own life experiences? Has the meaning of sustainability changed over time for you? Finally, tell us your story when it comes to your definition of eco-friendly sustainability.


In 3-5 minutes, tell us why you are interested in our scholarship program. What sparked your interest in environmental conservation and sustainability? In what ways do you practice sustainability in your life or in your local community? Please ensure that your video is clear, well-lit, and audible.

Application Form

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