Coconut Oil is Safe for Babies

Coconut oil is very gentle and safe enough to use on babies and children. Plus, you can actually be happy if they get a little into their mouths and get some amazing nutrients. Coconut oil has been shown to be great for brain health, as well as aiding in digestion and boosting metabolism.
Due to it’s skin-benefiting properties, coconut oil also makes a great substitute for many other products.
Here are a few ways in which coconut oil is safe for babies:
Cradle Cap – When babies are first born, many suffer from cradle cap on their scalp. Coconut oil will nourish their skin and help eliminate cradle cap by simply rubbing it onto the scalp daily. It is a lifesaver when it comes to flakiness and dryness on baby skin.
Diaper Rash Cream – Instead of using a diaper rash product that is filled with ingredients you have never heard of, coconut oil is very comforting to a baby with diaper rash. Simply rub it on the baby every time you change their diaper, just as you would with another diaper cream. Then rest assured that there are no harsh chemicals and you can even used coconut oil with cloth diapers!
Ear Infection – So many babies and children get ear infections that can cause pain and fever, leaving them feeling crummy. Placing a few drops of coconut oil inside the ear twice a day will help give relief from the pain and even helps to fight the infection itself.
Teething Pain – When babies and infants are teething, they can have some pain. Rubbing coconut oil directly onto the teething gums can help to ease that pain.

Heals Cuts, Scraps and Burns – Babies and children can get into everything and as they grow, it is inevitable that they will fall and get cuts, scraps and burns. Applying coconut oil will protect the wound from the inside out by forming a chemical layer against dust, bacteria and viruses, helping to prevent the wound from getting infected. It will also speed up he healing process by repairing the damaged skin.
Chicken Pox – Most children get chicken pox at some point and whether they are a baby, infant or school-aged child, it can be a huge nuisance. Coconut oil relieves itching, reduces inflammation and even reduces the severity and duration of the illness if applied to the skin and is also taken internally.
Allergies/Hayfever – If your baby suffers from seasonal allergies, rub a little coconut oil inside the nostrils for quick relief. The pollen will cling to the oil and help keep those allergies at bay.
Bug Bites and Bee Stings – Apply coconut oil directly to a bug bite or bee sting to help stop the itching and burning sensation and speed up the healing process.
Baby Acne – Many newborns and infants get baby acne and this is a wonderful reason to use coconut oil for babies. Rubbing a thin layer of coconut oil onto the affected area twice a day will help it disappear.

If you are a parent with newborn or young children, you should try out this wonderful and natural product so you can see why using coconut oil for babies is such a great and healthy idea.